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School Webinars 2020
Upcoming Events
- RSVP ClosedThu, 14 MayWebinarMost grieving pupils do not need a ‘bereavement expert’, they need people who care. Schools, just by carrying on with their usual day-to-day activities, can do a huge amount to support a grieving pupil. This webinar will look at how support can be provided in Lock Down and after.
Free Webinars
Looking after ourselves and each other during partial shutdown
Hosted by Adele Partridge

Are you affected by the COVID-19 partial lockdown restrictions in your school?
In this second webinar, we will look at:
Understanding how children respond to bereavement and how this may need to be discussed in schools.
Looking after staff who are dealing with bereavement within their classrooms
Sharing contact details of bereavement organisations; doing something practical to support a grieving family
Practical ideas to teaching staff and those creating bereavement charters for their school
Previously recorded Webinar
In this first session, we looked at:
How to look after your health while working from home and support your colleagues.
Different ways of communicating support with pupils during lockdown
Encouraging balance and daily routines - Identify your goals
Using media positively
Watch the recording here:
Keeping Healthy and Sane during Lockdown - 24/04/20

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