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Covid reasons to be happy

Writer's picture: Adele PartridgeAdele Partridge

The Department of Education has launched a new online resource to inspire Children to get active - Published 23/0/20, Dept. of Education

One of the biggest struggles that schools have faced since the September return, among other things, is the reduction of physical activity for young people in schools. Through reasons of not breaking bubbles, not having enough cleaning time between bubbles and a lack of space to maintain the distancing criteria, this means that many of the young people are sitting still for longer, which could affect the mental health over a longterm period.

Why is this a problem?

Exercise stimulates serotonin production in the brain and provokes the release of endorphines, a feel-good hormone. Excercise is a great way to boost self-esteem too, raising concentration levels and overall mood. When anxiety levels are increased in our body, our nervous system will jump into action, setting off a cascade of reactions such as sweating, dizziness and a racing heart. This is similar to a panic attack.

It is a well known fact that many mental health problems develop in children as young as 5 years old, as they will link how they dealt with situations learnt as a child with the sensation of fight or flight. If children can learn to deal with situations differently through associating panic with the control of exercise for example, they will develop systems to associate stress with safety in stead of danger. This will be a lasting effect into adult hood.

The online collection, available on the Department for Education’s YouTube channel, builds on the Government’s commitments set out in the School Sport and Activity Action Plan


Use of NHS Test and Trace system in schools and college

Some school have not got a full track and trace system in place as yet, similar to the QR code that is being used in public places elsewhere through the UK.

There is a guidance note, published on 22nd September, which provides information to School leaders on use of Track and trace systems. That can be found HERE.

The Government have also provided information on how to use the QR Code if you want to start using this for school visitors, including contractors and members of the public - anyone who does not work within your school on a day to day basis. This would take the onuse of your Office staff as they will not have to take details for track and trace, and may also comply better with your GDPR policy. For more information click HERE.



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